Project Brief
RoFoods, which offers an unmanned shopping experience for businesses with its hundreds of options consisting of healthy alternatives, various snacks, salads, ready meals and beverages, did not have a high user experience communication that would connect with its white-collar target audience both in the digital environment and in the physical sales process. In addition, the RoFoods application, which is one of the most important pillars of sales, did not provide a solution for users.

He needed a communication strategy in which we would explain RoFoods, which will establish emotional intimacy with its target audience, that we understand our target audience who skip meals due to their limited time, and that we offer special nutritional recommendations to them, by making their boring business life more enjoyable. While making the boring business life fun with all the services and products it offers, it was expected to create a new perception of digital visual identity, where the sincerity and humor are dominant, which will also consider the nutrition of the users.

We evaluated the current process of RoFoods with market, competitor and situation analysis. Then, with the target audience analysis, we reached the insights of white collars who love to eat but skip meals in their busy work schedule. In line with these insights, we determined our creative discourse and started the design process by building all our communication plans on this discourse.
We evaluated the current process of RoFoods with market, competitor and situation analysis. Then, with the target audience analysis, we reached the insights of white collars who love to eat but skip meals in their busy work schedule. In line with these insights, we determined our creative discourse and started the design process by building all our communication plans on this discourse.

First of all, we observed the disruptions in the current user experience, evaluated the negative processes such as where the users had difficulties and at which stages they abandoned the shopping. After analyzing all these processes, we got to work. We have divided our concept into four in a way that will improve the RoFoods operation process, put it into a user-oriented process, and be suitable for physical conditions. The current concept, which is not complex and modular, has been made more modular. Thus, while simplifying the installation and relocation process, we also eliminated complex pricing. By combining the service stand with the coffee stand, we made the user experience easier and faster.